They’ve kept talking about rain for about a week now. Well, here it is. It’s been raining hard since yesterday afternoon. I don’t mind the rain. The fact is I used to love it. Especially on weekends, when you are not required to get out of bed, but can continue day dreaming or my personal favorite eat breakfast in bed while reading a good book. Or maybe watch a movie or do nothing at all. So, yes I didn’t mind the rain.
Everything changes when you have kids and they can’t grasp the concept of not being able to go outside due to the rain. Still, today while Tesa fell asleep, we convinced Stela to watch some cartoons with us and it kind of felt like the good old days. For perhaps a half an hour and then we desperately needed tp get them both out of the house. I’ve been itching to go to the Slovenian Ethnographic museum. They say it is a museum of cultural identities; a link between the past and the present, a museum “about people, for people”. A few months ago we visited this part of Ljubljana and I saw how cool the building looked, all modern and nice,so I was hooked.Yes, I admit, they had me at that. I am easy:). Since it was raining there were basically few alternatives left and my proposal was finally met with the thumbs up.
This museum has a very worldly feel to it. It is modern, spacious and new, the exhibits are interesting, not cluttered and children friendly as well. I was very impressed by it and I would highly recommend a visit. There is much to be seen. The kids are bound to have a good time here. Especially if you take your time and try to explain some stuff to them I believe they will love it. Stela did. She would probably rush through many things, but we pointed out certain exhibits and told her what was what. There was also a special part dedicated just to the kids and this is where they get to explore things through playing and touching. The only thing that didn’t work out was the time. We only had an hour because we had to go home for the afternoon nap, so we managed to just see the top floor (cultures of the world) and since Stela had so much fun I am definitely taking her here again. As I’ve learned they often organize certain activities for kids, so that might also be worth checking out.
This is the website, where you can get more info, if you decide to visit as well:
Maybe this can be our new rainy day tradition, spending some time together learning and still having fun… 🙂