Awhile ago a fellow blogger asked if I would be willing to answer a few of her questions for her new category Moms in The World. I was of course excited to do it and here is my first very own interview…
Tell us something about yourself and your family.
At thirty something (let’s not get into that), I am a social media lover, blogger, Mommy and a big time travel fan. I love to be on the road with my family. I have two amazing girls that inspire me and a pretty extraordinary husband who is my true companion. We might call Europe our home, but if it was up to us, we wouldn’t stay put anywhere for too long.
What it means to be a working mom and blogger in your country? Do you have any benefits or facilities from the state?
In my country, we live in the capital of Slovenia, it’s basically up to both parents to work if they are to sustain a family. But I can’t say I am complaining, as I like to work and I love the fact that we have an option to work for shorter amount of time – Moms with young kids can choose to work for either four or six hours a day. I have made such a decision and I find that balancing stuff in my life is much easier now. The blogging part is only my hobby, which I hope one day will grow into more.
What are the difficulties and limitations that you may encounter in your country?
I think that foremost it’s the fact that we are small; there are less than two million of us. But worse is that we were and still are fighting the economic crisis. People in general are very pessimistic about the future and don’t really see a way of changing things. Also the burrocracy has a way of taking time and being complicated, so many just give up on their ideas even if they do have the desire to make things different.
How your kids grow up in your country? What kind of education do you give them? (Freedom, friendship, affection)
My kids go to an amazing day care, which is partly financed by the city and partly by us parents. They do amazing work with them. And when it comes to my parenting, being a Mom to two girls, I think I need to make sure they know they are loved and grow up to be happy with themselves. So, yes I am affectionate and try to let them be themselves. But at the end of the day I am working on being a parent not a friend, setting limitations and making decisions.
As I mentioned before, we love to travel and I think that is a big part of how I want them to learn about this world, by experiencing it. Travel makes you open minded and perceptive, it makes you appreciate differences and realize there really are no boundaries.