Since becoming a Mom I started wishing I could do stuff. Like I wish I could paint, sew or glue or just perhaps be able to cut a straight line. I can’t, don’t blame me, I’ve tried but ended up frustrated and a little apprehensive. I am a type of a Mother that in times past didn’t even exist. How could you not know all these things, I mean first of all you’d never be able to get married and thus your chances of having kids would be eliminated. But here I am the freak of Nature, not only married but a Mother to two girls. Two girls! How will they turn out when I can’t teach them anything about artsy crafty do-it-yourself things. I mean I at least had a Mom who knew these stuff and tried her best to convey it to me. My two don’t stand a chance.
But I’ve come to a conclusion it is easier and more beneficial to basically give my full support and admiration to all those wonderful ladies who do it, seemingly effortless and manage to create beautiful things using their imagination and a lot of skill. That is why I can often be found on and that is where I’ve discovered Sian, from the great Coralcandyshop. Having kids in mind she creates these adorable backpacks that your tots as well as you will absolutely fall in love with. You can chose from Ladybug, Owl or Penguin, while deciding on different sizes and colors.
Stela loved hers, because of course it’s a ladybug and it resembles it sooo much while being charmingly cute. I liked it too because it makes her backpack stand out from the others, as it is so different, with all that red I can spot her from a mile. This backpack is completely unique, so well made, soft to touch and with enough room and two small pockets inside. You can see it’s handmade, but by someone who knows what they are doing. It’s really light, which is awesome, because once you put like a ton of stuff in and we do – like essentials such as the crown, food, water, dolls, clothes…, you at least carry just that not the weight of the backpack too. The only downside I could find is that it’s not waterproof, but then again for tots there is no need to have them carry it anywhere in the rain.
But don’t take just my word for it, I’ve included some photos from Stela and you can check out the backpacks on line and don’t forget the owner of the shop is offering a 15 % discount till the end of September to all of you if you type in the code: COOLKIDZCOOLTRIPS when ordering the backpack.
So, there is still chance for my kids to enjoy and appreciate some well made hand crafted things and I guess I’ll have to just find something else to teach them.