I tell my kids river Soca is magical. So, why would I tell you anything differently. There is probably a very coherent scientific explanations for the emerald green water that has been inspiring and astonishingContinue reading
Category: Cool Reviews
Everything that makes our life a little easier
10 Reasons You Should Never Take Your Kids to Ljubljana
1. You will break your tongue trying to pronounce the name of Slovenia’s capital. Imagine how many times your kids will make you say Ljubljana just to mess with you. 2. Nobody knows where itContinue reading
Photo Friday: Logar Valley
As Slovenia celebrated its Independence Day, we took the day off and went exploring Slovenia’s gem – Â Logar Valley. It is one of the most beautiful glacial valleys in Europe. 7 kilometers long, 250 metersContinue reading
Photo Friday: Hvar Island
Secluded coves, historically rich towns, lush vineyards make Hvar island one of Croatia’s most popular destinations. It is known as an island of superlatives; the longest, the sunniest and the trendiest place in the AdriaticContinue reading
Photo Friday: Coolkidzcooltrips is on Instagram
Finally summer is upon us. We have plenty of fun activities already planned and many will be on the spur of the moment. It looks like an exciting time. We invite you to keep upContinue reading
Coolkidz Picks: Terra Kids Camping Light
Camping with kids is always an adventure and I mean this in the broadest terms possible. None the less we are always eager to give it a try and we are already counting the daysContinue reading
Can’t Say No to Family Camping: Camping Bled Review
Camping Bled and its new mobile homes bring everyone closer to camping. The four state of the art houses with all the necessary amenities debunk all excuses for saying no to family camping. While IContinue reading
Photo Friday: Beer and Burger Festival Ljubljana
Ljubljana is slowly but surely becoming the food capital of Slovenia. There is so much variety on offer, everyone’s taste buds will be satisfied. Tourist can get their share of the local cuisine and localsContinue reading
Coolkidz Picks: Mia Tui Bag
A woman can never have too many bags. But once she becomes a Mom, she can definitely have too many she can’t possibly use any more. After years of searching and opting for backpacks IContinue reading
Why the Game of Thrones Should be Filmed in Slovenia
Slovenia: small, yet diverse. With, wild rivers, stunning castles, vast woods, majestic waterfalls, a capital famous for its dragons…. it has Game of Thrones written all over. As a big fan of the Game ofContinue reading