Every country has its most famous sites. In Iceland a definite must see is the Golden Circle. It is immensely popular with the visitors. The reasons might be its proximity to Reykjavik, the unpretentious capitalContinue reading
Tag: Iceland
West Fjords – What a Wonderful World
Iceland’s most remote region is famous for the rough majestic landscapes and breathtaking views. While Iceland as a whole is amazing, a place where the photographers can get a bit carried away, because it isContinue reading
An Introduction to Icelandic Food
While it might not inspire delicious images of steaming buttery dishes or melting goodness in your mouth, Icelandic Food is underrated and actually very, very, very yummy. Here are a few of our favorite thingsContinue reading
Great Books for Travelers
“I cannot live without books,” said Thomas Jefferson and I share his belief. Actually I agree with every quote praising books, because since discovering them I have never been the same. I have already livedContinue reading
Iceland Will Make You Believe in Magic
I am not talking about mystical creatures, like elves or hidden people or even about strange unexplained things happening even though Icelandic folklore is full of just such stories. I am thinking more about theContinue reading
Ice, ice baby in Iceland
I am so running behind on my posts on Iceland. The trip now seems a lifetime away but maybe it’s a good thing as I’ve managed to gain some perspective.The third day of our journeyContinue reading
A black and white day in Iceland
A weather can make or break any trip. You can have it all carefully planned and yet whether it will rain or shine is out of your hands, no matter the seasons, the months orContinue reading
A journey to Iceland begins
It’s been almost two weeks since our trip to the magnificent desolate country of Iceland. And you’d think I would start writing as soon as we got back, but for some strange hard to explainContinue reading