‘Did you know the tickets to Tokyo are 400 Euros?’ I say to my husband on the phone. I am met with silence. ‘Are you serious, babe, Tokyo? We can’t afford Tokyo. With the twoContinue reading
Category: Asia
Worst Family Vacation Destinations for 2018
While everyone is making a list of the best destinations to visit in 2018, I’ll do the list of the worst family vacation destinations for 2018. Here are the places you should avoid, because weContinue reading
Mmmmmm. Favorite Meals Abroad.
Right there with secretly checking out the men, trying out new food is one of my favorite things about travel. And we all love to eat. Our family crest might as well bear baked chicken withContinue reading
10 Side Effects I Had As a Traveler in Japan
The definition of a crowd gets a different meaning, trains top the list of favorite ways to travel and coffee easily replaced with green tea. No trip leaves you the same, but as a travelerContinue reading
15 Reasons You Should Never Take Your Kids to Japan
“Are you going with kids to Japan?” This was the usually the follow up question once we mentioned our travel destination. We solemnly nodded not really understanding what the big deal was. But once weContinue reading
The Best Japanese Food
No, this entire post won’t just be about sushi, because as we were very quick to learn and faster to appreciate, Japanese cuisine is about more than just raw fish. Get ready for some seriousContinue reading
Is Japan Really the Safest Place in the World?
It is often said that Japan is among the safest places in the world, as the crime rate in this country is really low. But we just couldn’t take someone’s word for it, we hadContinue reading
For Moms Only: Swings Around the World
Once you become a Mom you swing into high gear and suddenly it’s all about the kids. These swings from around the world are for you, Moms, to give you the perfect opportunity to slowContinue reading
13 Reasons Not to Take Your Kids to Singapore
How will you ever excite them about the snow and cold once they have experienced the Winter in Singapore with no hats, gloves, scarfs and itchy tights. 2. After your kids see that almost everyContinue reading
What You Learn About Your Kids in Langkawi
Langkawi an archipelago made up of 99 islands on Malaysia’s west coast is as different as it gets from our home. It has beautiful sandy beaches, stunning scenery, monkeys roaming around and a diverse Geoforest Park.Continue reading